Do you ever sit in a moment and wonder why you are participating in that exact moment? This week I have been overly conscience of every moment, ever ticking second and every flurry of action others exert around me. I can't help but to let my mind wonder during meetings or watch people from across a table and analyze every little movement their muscles so slightly control. Little twitches, eye rolls, deep breathes, frowns, smiles, shift in weight, ticks and eye movements have somehow become my new personal reading material. So much so, I have become overly aware of my own body telling stories I don't want others to know. Yes I am overly expressive and yes most of the time I wear how I feel on my sleeve, but I usually put it out there because I fear others are doing the same to me. Why not put all of you out there? Why do so many people hide? I find it more intriguing at the things people are hiding and yes that might mean I am a little more sick and twisted than I want to admit. But it is true! True, true, many things can you say are true in life? The little eye roll you do when someone says something you completely disagree with? The heavy breathes you exhale when you are biting your tongue? The smile you conceal because you don't want that person to know how you really feel? The shift in your weight when you suspect people are far removed from the current conversation and you know they are not invested? Well, I suggest you take a moment and look around the room. Body language speaks volumes and the more you learn someones nuances and talk with them the sooner you decipher the folded hands in lap, the leaning back in a chair and the gaze out a window is an elected pondering moment and not the suspected uninterest in conversation.
This comes with a WARNING, if you elect to participate in the "eyefull watch" be aware you may learn more then you care to, you may find out truths or even conjure up lies. Know today someone may tell one story and tomorrow the plot may change and you must always be willing to leave judgement at the door. Elect to watch out of curiosity and you will learn more about people, humanity and become more intuitive than you could ever expect to become. Carry on my friends and watch the world.................