Monday, July 26, 2010

Blood Hungry and in a Pickle

I have a new problem mid-life. I don't think I have ever been a fanatic over a celebrity or show until now. I thought those girls that pawed their brightly polished nails at singers, actors and local gym athletes were "interesting sorts" and needed therapy. So I now find myself in a pickle.

True Blood on HBO has become my addiction of choice, right up there with diet coke and coffee. I guess that means my addictions of choice are caffeine and the sitting on the edge of the couch, blood hungry, endorphin high True Blood.

I am completely torn. When Anne Rice was hot on the scene and we were lined up to watch Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt dialogue their perversions I sat in a comatose sense of mediocrity with drooling teenage girls by my side. I found the hair and costumes to be more intriguing then the vampires and wondered if something was wrong with me. Why wasn't I drooling, why didn't I lust after the dark bad boys of the night? I came to the conclusion that I was the freak of nature.

Some years have passed and we have seen Winona in Dracula and depressed Bella in Twilight but as far as I know we have never seen anything compare to True Blood. First, the characters are highly exaggerated so you know you are walking in a fiction world but the characters tug at every raw empathy aroused stricken nerve you own. Second, TB pushes the envelope of any religion and begs you take a naughty tantalizing journey in a world away from 40 hour work weeks, keyboards and monitors. My life now sees more action on a Sunday night then a weeks worth of Mondays. I am NOT complaining.

Sounds to me that it took me longer than most to jump on the vampire blood train. In this case, better late then never.

I look forward to the viking kings vengeance, Tara and Franklin's craziness, Sookie's uncontrollable crying and this love for Bill that I just don't buy into anymore. These twisted characters have become embedded in my vanilla world. The only thing I can say is "Thank you Alan Ball for giving my world some flavor and helping me cross the line into the vampire crazed America we've become". I finally feel apart of something, even if I'm sitting first row center with all the other "interesting sorts" waiting frantically for next Sunday night.

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