Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I had intended to start blogging about my daily diet turmoils in hopes I would stay on track but the unexpected invader of my body, the FLU, derailed my diet train of pain. I have a new best friend and I've spent to much time getting intimate with this porcelain beauty. I like to call her Bold Beautiful Bertha the Bowl. She has been a good friend the past 3 days but I'm ready to make her into an occasional pen pal and keep my friends that don't require deposits on my A list. My BFF BBB the B and I would hang out with a cocktail of water and baking soda while I placed my shivering head on her shoulder. Fortunately I seem to be on the mend.


I can thank Mr. Flu for kick starting my diet. Not eating for a few days while barely keeping a drip of water in my body made me feel 1.56 lbs lighter. Dang, I'm on a diet roll. Watch out. I'm still leery of slipping anything past these pale lips of mine in fear that my new porcelain BFF and I will have to reunite so I attempted to eat light today. Eating light would consist of mint tea, 5 bites of leftovers, 4 saltine crackers and 5 bites of chocolate gelato. At least I can say my portion sizes have dropped to an all time low but the nutritional content still blows. Guess I'll have to work on that nutritional part starting tomorrow.

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