Friday, August 20, 2010


WARNING - Do not read if you are expecting humor because I will be embarking on the Working Mom's Wild Ride.

I could discuss this topic over and over and beat it with a used up, working mom, greasy frying pan that has not been washed but sitting in the sink for 3 days. Yes, I am ashamed to admit that I've had dishes sitting needing my attention. You ask why? Last week I laid in bliss with ample amounts of time to cook, making sure laundry smelled like spring and washing floors when needed (yes, I was Cinderella on VACA). This week I have time to drag my half closed eyes, purse, lunch bag and school bag to work and wobble on weak ankles in platform heels. Our culture has almost deemed in order to survive a middle class living you will send 2 adults from the home to work full time. Is this true or am I just stuck in the idea that both parents MUST work? I know many families that have one income coming in and I CANNOT figure out how they manage their survival (and I will be the last to officially ask). Our family does not live a lavish lifestyle, we don't go on vacations nor buy expensive cars. Our only expense in our daughters education which we elect to provide due to the failing public schools that surround us. I feel like our social structures are bound to POP because at this rate we can not sustain the requirements to achieve the good ol American dream. What is happening? Greed? Disillusionment? The sense of belittlement that has forced us to take 1/2 breathes because we no longer know how to breathe a full content breathe? I could go on and on but I must return to writing about prominent persons in the history of Psychology. I've elected to pick Dr. Seymour B. Sarason, Dr. Nathan Kline and Mary W. Calkins because Mary and I share one special date in common. Trivia for today.............what date do we share and why? If you know me this should be easy.

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