Sunday, December 19, 2010
Maybe Orange is the Color of the Season!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
A Beacon of Hope
I gathered enough energy yesterday to pull down a few boxes of decorations and several hours later we only had the tree decorated (my little elf and the tree above). There are plastic bins all over the house begging to be emptied and their contents distributed into little vignettes. I am electing this year to simplify the Christmas Cheer in our house. I am tired of looking at the same old Christmas mouse with her little red Santa hat sweetly laid perfectly on her head. I want new, exciting (and less work) decorating to go on this year. So, I am going to skip the traditional topper on the Christmas tree and do something new. Pictures to follow if it turns out positive!!!
Last year I baked up a storm and I can't decide if I want to do the same this year (see right for last years sweets). I made a list and there are about 10 people or families I would hand yummy treats to so I suspect that I will be in the kitchen at least one whole day this December. Question is, what do I make? Again I don't want to do the same stuff so I am going to do a little research and compile a new list of sugar confections. Hopefully the new stuff will taste good! Perhaps I better throw in some traditional stuff that I know I can make (just in case).
I have plastic boxes calling my name and a hearty dinner to be cooked and a blanket wrapped around me keeping me hostage. Liberation is in order if I want to turn this house into a modern day Winter Wonder Land.................... I am off to find my little elf!
Monday, November 22, 2010
It's a Turkey Week and YES......I am the Turkey!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
HalloTurkMas Stew!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Watch but Don't Judge
Monday, October 11, 2010
Off the Beaten Track, Just Like Columbus!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Word of the Day - AGRO
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The Day I Decided to Fail
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Turn of Events
Friday, August 20, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Vacation: Day 9
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Vacation: Day 8
Friday, August 13, 2010
Vacation: Day 7
I experienced complete PEACE for the first time in a VERY long time today. The sad part is it only lasted about 10 minutes. On this final vacation Friday Stephanie and I went to my mom's pool (see above) and were fortunate enough to have the whole pool to ourselves.
Tadpole Among Us
One major milestone this summer: STEPHANIE LEARNED TO SWIM (kind of). We have been working for years to get her lanky arms moving in that turquoise water and this summer she finally submitted. There is work to be done but I think we will be in a good place by the end of the summer. A pair of goggles and fingers pinching her noes and she is a archaeologist of H2O.
Peace of Wind
After getting to swim at leisure with my new little archaeologist tadpole I sat on the edge of the pool with my face pointed west and the sun and wind gracing my face. Life literally slowed down for a brief moment in time and I felt at one with everything around me. I haven't felt that symbiotic with my surroundings in such a long time that in my mind I was begging for the spiritual moment not to end. But all good things must come to an end and my peaceful state was soon interrupted (the how does not matter). I am extremely thankful that I once again experienced quiet, peace and of all things - THE SUN. For those of you that know me, you do know that I am super pale. The sun felt good with the wind slightly blowing. I just may have to do that a little more often.
My hat is off to the wind and sun, they persuaded me to shimmy into a bathing suite after 5 years and find 10 minutes of peace. Perhaps I will be able to find this moment again in another 5 years. See you then Mr. Sun and Mrs. Wind!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Vacation: Day 6
Vacation: Day 5
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Vacation: Day 4
Monday, August 9, 2010
Vacation: Day 3
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Vacation: Day 2
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Vacation: Day 1
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Final Count Down
Anyone have any ideas on what we can do during the next week?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
A Roller Coaster Illusion
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
The Alice in Wonderland Office Tale
- Sniggle Giggle - my partner in crime
- The Investigative Reporter - can find out the dirt on anyone
- The Hong Kong Bomb Bigfoot Tracker
- The Brain
- Batman
- The Investigative Reporter was back to work today after yesterdays Non-Violent Crisis Training we've all been mandated to attend. IR reported that a well known co-worker who attended NCVI with her talks like a turkey reading a newspaper. IR then proceeds to gobble LOUDLY. Hence, uncontrollable tears that took 3 minutes too long to turn off while The Brain and Batman teamed up to question why there was a turkey in the office and a blond crying (sounds like the beginning of a bad joke).
- I think the gobble laid the foundation for Sniggle Giggle because I don't think she stopped laughing from the time I walked into work today until I stepped off property. Some of her laughter was even at my expense. I rarely blush but Sniggle Giggle, The Brain and Batman decided to push my buttons and mercilessly jabbed taunts that made me turn 15 shades of red. By the way, thanks for the reminder, these taunts solidified my Idaho Potato theory.
- We celebrated our quarterly birthday bash over lunch today as we all gobbled down sandwiches. Topic at the round table - MAYONNAISE. Have you ever had a 30 minute conversation dedicated to mayo? I have to say, it is one of the funniest conversations you will ever have. We learned that the Investigative Reporter was once served a bowl of beautifully ripe strawberries covered in white fluffy whipped cream. Wait, scratch that, it was not whip cream, it was MAYONNAISE. My lunch almost came up at the thought of it.
- Now to top all of the strange conversations I endured by mid day, I learned that the deacon that I work with was in Hong Kong on vacation once and was pulled over by the local police. The police told him that someone had reported that he had a bomb. The supposed bomb turned out to be a CO2 container for underwater diving. The description of the local population running from a 6 foot white man with a CO2 container in the middle of Hong Kong was priceless and capped off my day.
Today was just ODD, very ODD. I walked around with my eye brows arched and a look of shock permanently plastered and begged most people to not sit in my therapy chair today. I just didn't think I could take anymore of the Alice in Wonderland Office Tale. Carry on..........
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
California vs. Idaho
Monday, July 26, 2010
Blood Hungry and in a Pickle
True Blood on HBO has become my addiction of choice, right up there with diet coke and coffee. I guess that means my addictions of choice are caffeine and the sitting on the edge of the couch, blood hungry, endorphin high True Blood.
I am completely torn. When Anne Rice was hot on the scene and we were lined up to watch Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt dialogue their perversions I sat in a comatose sense of mediocrity with drooling teenage girls by my side. I found the hair and costumes to be more intriguing then the vampires and wondered if something was wrong with me. Why wasn't I drooling, why didn't I lust after the dark bad boys of the night? I came to the conclusion that I was the freak of nature.
Some years have passed and we have seen Winona in Dracula and depressed Bella in Twilight but as far as I know we have never seen anything compare to True Blood. First, the characters are highly exaggerated so you know you are walking in a fiction world but the characters tug at every raw empathy aroused stricken nerve you own. Second, TB pushes the envelope of any religion and begs you take a naughty tantalizing journey in a world away from 40 hour work weeks, keyboards and monitors. My life now sees more action on a Sunday night then a weeks worth of Mondays. I am NOT complaining.
Sounds to me that it took me longer than most to jump on the vampire blood train. In this case, better late then never.
I look forward to the viking kings vengeance, Tara and Franklin's craziness, Sookie's uncontrollable crying and this love for Bill that I just don't buy into anymore. These twisted characters have become embedded in my vanilla world. The only thing I can say is "Thank you Alan Ball for giving my world some flavor and helping me cross the line into the vampire crazed America we've become". I finally feel apart of something, even if I'm sitting first row center with all the other "interesting sorts" waiting frantically for next Sunday night.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Face Pain and the Needle Job
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The White Pastey Tan Plan
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Writing in the Light of a Life on the Verge
For all of the complaining that I do and the frustration I've lived, I truly like what I do. I work for a wonderful man who has been an monster mentor and has opened my eyes to possibilities. I cannot thank him enough. But, I should do some scolding too because he has ruined my chances to work for anyone else and be happy at the same time AND it seems my work fate may soon be resting with a new overhead. Damn budget! Nothing like being reminded that you are a minion among tree climbers. Damn budget! Nothing like being reminded you have to justify what you do everyday. Damn budget! Nothing like being reminded your life hangs in the balance. A LIFE ON THE VERGE of the UNKNOWN.
The initial shock is hard, but, you soon realize you have little control (thanks to industrialism) and you become like Play Dough. You take new shape, you can take a beating, when you hit the floor you learn to get back up and morph into something that is totally NOT YOU and you smile and say "please do it again before I have any recollection of self". Please, Please, Please let me service the public while I am screamed at, my health insurance costs increase while I elect NOT to receive a pay raise as other union members pad their pockets and the universal moral surrounding me everyday hits an all time low.
I watch fellow co-workers worry about their future. I don't worry about my future as much as I worry that my happiness will be compromised. I've learned that once I've found contentment and happiness something always comes and takes it away. I've worked hard to be where I am and I've sacrificed parts of myself that I shouldn't have and I have little will to care anymore. Damn budget!
The lights are on and I'm waiting on the verge to see what will happen next.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
6 month, 210th attempt
- I love when you are standing in an elevator with someone and they smell GOOD.
- Giving little complements to my co-workers makes my heart smile (especially when no one else is giving them kudos).
- I like make-up way to much.
- I can no longer tell my Girl and the Crab story.
- Yes I like bread and it is a carb, sue me.
- No conversation SUCKS.
- I hope the ones I care about are truly happy with their decisions.
- I don't understand what I am supposed to be because I am not content with what I am.
- I like fruit in my salad.
- The word "love" is over rated.
- I made a virtues list like Benjamin Franklin and plan on implementing like he did.
- If kittens are cute are puppies dogs?
- Did anyone understand you? I hope they did, even if for a brief moment.
- Does Febreeze really work or is it a gimmick?
- I never realized how lame Randoms actually are until today.............. guess they just don't matter.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Whatever Couch Potato
- Data opens Doors
- Dare to Data
- Data Busters, Who you gonna call?
- Belly up to the Bar Chart (my favorite but completely inappropriate)
Monday, April 26, 2010
Cookie Painting Fun
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Lemons into Lemonade
I had anticipated the rest of the day would be taken up trying to decipher Marx's manifesto but after reading I realized I could sum up the man's thoughts fairly quickly. The true test will be if that Dr. Professor will agree.
Now that "Hell Week" is over I can get back to my regular routines of life and focus on the next task at hand. You ask what that I might be? TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK for my daughters school. In a moment of weakness I opted to take on the first Monday in May to make each teacher (21 of them) a snack box for the day. Ideas anyone on what to feed a hippy school where half of the teachers are vegan? I have a list already in mind but I don't know if I can make pistachio rolled tofu taste good. Today my daughter and I will be on a trek to find containers to hold the yummy tasty treats and maybe hit the dreaded grocery store.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Friday Night Friction or Fiction?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Academy Awards for Men
- Paper 1/2 Draft form
- Karl Marx manifesto 1/2 read
- Academy Awards for men blasting in the next room
- Concentration at an all time low
- Tampa Bay's Draft pick
- Yelling, Screaming, Woo-Hooing
- Eye Rolling
- Leg Twitching
HELP!!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Things Fall Apart
Prom Pixie Dust and Tales
I toed my toe into the water of the blog pool yesterday and I have to say, INDULGENT! But hey, when you live a life working for everyone else, INDULGENT could end up on my short list very quickly.
Lets jump right in (play on toe-in-water).
Prom Season and the Nightmare Memories
Yes, it is that time of year where young lovely ladies drag their mothers and credit cards into stores selling Beyonce knock-offs and all for the hope that prince charming will not actually be a frog. I was almost knocked off my feet by 3 highly caffeine induced young glamour girls all a glow with prom pixie dust as I walked into a store over the weekend. I had to smile to myself and wonder what they were in store for, fairly tale or torture.
Can you tell that I am a little sour after 18 years? Scary thought. Perhaps it's because my young innocent daughter will one day be showered in prom pixie dust as I am dragged from store to store as she dreams of a night to remember. BLASTED! I'll have to suck it up and just enjoy the process.
Sourness Explained
18 years ago in a red frock that I loved I was dragged in 98 degree heat in a car without air conditioning to a restaurant that made your stomach turn. Wait, did I forget to mention we had to go back for the tickets that were sitting on the kitchen counter 56 miles away? Damn 98 degree heat! Eventually we made it soaked and smelly to the balloon room of horrors and took pictures that will live eternally as Pee-Wee Herman and I stood slouched and defeated.
No dancing ensued, no hanging with the friends, no good music to be heard, just the welcoming call of the now cool car that awaited my escape. Wait a minute! Where is my date? Where is my date? Want to know where my date was? ASLEEP IN THE CAR!!!! Off came the dress, on came the jeans and the hair went el natural as I slid behind the wheel of the now less than 98 degree car. Off to the beach I rolled with my sleeping date, $400.00 dress in the back seat and a caravan of peeps that were just as well off as me.
Me: Crap, are those red lights behind me?
Officer: "Do you know it is past curfuew"?
Me: "Yes officer, I was on my way home from Prom"
Officer: "Then get going"
Me: "I think I have to pee now"
Now the date is awake!!!!
Forget it!
Homeward James...............
But first, let us stop and wallow in the night with the biggest ice cream sundae found in Southern California. Thank you Denny's for making a girls dream come true.
Guess that ice cream sundae didn't work because the mention of frilly frocks and prom pixie dust and my blood immediately boils to a perfect 98 degrees. Hopefully I can walk comatosed 8 years from now when my daughter is a caffeine induced glamour girl.
Question of the Day
That is one of 2 horror prom stories and this was the good one. Want to hear the other? I think we'll need a bigger ice cream sundae for that one.